We use Magnets made by MagPro (Denmark) and MagStim (UK)

Both are FDA approved (July 2015 and May 2015.  

According to a review (Kedzior 2014) 

The Following Magnets were used in the 40 studies of Depression (Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials)

MagStim    22

MagPro      9

Cadwell      6

Neotonus    1

MagLite    1

Neuronetics 1

Although Neuronetics (NeuroStar) and BrainsWay were the first to get FDA Approval, they have not been studied as long, or proven effective over as much time as the MagPro and MagStim. Also, Neuronetics (NeuroStar) and BrainsWay require a fee for every session to be sent to the company which increases the cost by about $100 per treatment and $3,000 per total course. 


Factors that influence the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Mechanical factors (yellow labels) describe TMS parameters that may be adjusted for a desired outcome. Biological factors (green labels) determine where to stimulate and …

Factors that influence the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Mechanical factors (yellow labels) describe TMS parameters that may be adjusted for a desired outcome. Biological factors (green labels) determine where to stimulate and may help guide the selection of specific TMS parameters. All of these factors comprise a TMS protocol, and manipulating any one of them may result in differential outcomes (for details, see text). However, mechanical factors are the most straightforward to address when planning a study, whereas biological factors require a priori knowledge of the neural system to be stimulated.

You may be just learning about it, 

but TMS is NOT "new" or "experimental" 

Time Line of Events in the history of TMS

1985   Barker & Jalinous Letter to Lancet introducing technology

1994   Mark George, MD Published first observations about using TMS for Treatment of depression

2007 4,392 Studies have been published (MedLine). In addition to Depression, TMS is found to be effective for other psychiatric and neurological conditions. Of the 60,000 people who have had TMS, only 2 experienced seizures. Improved safety measures to prevent seizures are introduced. (No seizures have been reported since 2008) Other side effects such as headache or skin discomfort is mild and usually lasts less than 15 minutes.  Long term follow up 2, 3, 4 and 10 years shows safety (no late onset problems) and long lasting positive effects. TMS is demonstrated to be 50-100 times safer than treatment with medication. 

2008 FDA approves TMS as treatment for Major Depression

2010 the journal: Brain Stimulation - founded by Sackheim & others, publishes 1st issue, 

2013 FDA Approves second device (BrainsWay) as treatment for Major Depression

2015 FDA Approves third (MagSTim) and 4th device (MagPro)

By 2015 more than 11,000 scientific studies and reviews have been published. The fact that TMS is safe and effective is a settled issue.